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ɸ Phase 1: "Furry4Life" Sep 2019 - Feb 2021 ɸ

my old pfp that is a stolen furry art used from 2019-09-26 to 2021-07-03

i created my youtube channel in 2019-09-26 (when i was 13), i also created my twitter account that i don't use too much.

my first video was called "YTPBR-Chaves Não Gosta De Poop" which is in portuguese, translated it means "Chavo doesn't like YouTube Poop" is a YouTube Poop from a mexican 70's tv show very popular in latin-america called "El Chavo Del Ocho" (The Boy Of Eight) in portuguese is just "Chaves" that translated it means "Keys", the video was a remake of a video from an old youtube channel that i made in 2018-04-20 it was just brazilian-portuguese ytps that got deleted around october 2019, the video was posted in 2019-12-02.

after the start of a new decade i started to post more videos on my channel the most viewed video in 2020 is "Dan Schneider When He Finds Out That Humans Have Feet" with 10k views (from september 2024).

ɸ Phase 2: "AnthroBattal" Feb 2021 - Nov 2021 ɸ

my pfp used from 2019-09-26 to 2021-07-03 that came from this video

i made a video called "Logos That Got Simplified" a video about evolution of logos that got simplified posted in 2021-02-24, the only video of my channel that reached a million views (1.7 million from september 2024). my video became popular so i made "Logos That Got Simplified II" which is the second most viewed video with 243k views (from september 2024). my channel is now with 7k subscribers (it's still there). after changing my pfp i made "Logos That Got Simplified III" that got less views than two previous ones (18k views), i made "Logos That Got Simplified (All Of 3 in 1 Video)" that failed miserably with only 1.1k views (at least more views than most of my memes on my youtube channel).

ɸ Phase 3: "ElectroVulpine" Nov 2021 - Dec 2022 ɸ

my pfp used from 2022-09-02 to 2022-12-29 that is a copy from Aphex Twin Logo

after changing my username to ElectroVulpine few days before my 16th birthday i became addicted to mr incredible uncanny memes in 2022 and 2023, which my last mr incredible video was posted at the end of 2023. The most viewed video made in 2022 is "Kuwait EAS Alarm 1990 (1 HOUR LOOP)" that actually wasn't real but it's a banger and sounds like mario music. the video was posted in 2022-07-13 and is the 3rd most viewed video with 102k views (from september 2024) that even got a 10 hour version for reaching 100k views in august 2024.

ɸ Phase 4: "TheNitpickyCat (Pre-Animation)" Dec 2022 - Feb 2024 ɸ

my pfp used from 2022-12-29 to 2024-05-18 now finally it's a cat

back then i used fox for my pfp because foxes used to be my favourite animal, now i changed to a cat because of my introvert personality and i put nitpicky in my name because when i watch a movie, tv show, cartoon etc i start to think about one scene or thing that i disliked about it more than the best part, i had this since when i was a kid. the two most viewed 2023 videos of my channel are "Mr Incredible Uncanny You Live In Solar System" with 40k views (from september 2024) and "When there's a blackout in romania" with 22k views (from september 2024). Also don't forget that i reached 18.

ɸ Phase 5: "TheNitpickyCat" Feb 2024 - Current ɸ

my pfp is now 2d since 2024-05-18

in February 2024 i decided to stop making random stuff in my channel and start making one straightforward content that is evolution timelapse. it's a timelapse of screenshots from a website in wayback machine the first video is "Evolution Of YouTube Timelapse (2005-2024)" it's a small success with 6k views (from september 2024). not only evolution timelapse i'm also making animations. I discovered bitview, an old youtube revival. also i discovered newgrounds that i post animation there. and don't forget that i discovered neocities too and i made this website.

ɸ My YouTube Channel Archives From Wayback Machine ɸ

2021-04 2021-05 2022-04 2022-07 2023-03 2023-11 2024-04